[04/09 星期日 15:51]
民 主黨最近的調查發現,八成市民期望政府明年減稅,半數受訪者認為應該優先減低薪俸稅。民主黨下星期會向政府提出稅務建議,提議將薪俸稅率,回復到零二/零 三年水平,設立四萬元的教育免稅額,減低中產人士的稅務負擔。他們又建議取消標準稅率,增加高收入人士的稅務承擔。
I don’t really get why people are so obsessed with tax reduction? I mean, I’d like to pay less taxes too, but I don’t think those people ever really thought about who is going to pay for the government services. What are they going to do with the extra several hundred (or a couple thousand) dollars anyway? Get a new DVD recorder? Get a new mobile phone? But they never realize that several hundred dollars from everybody goes a long way for the government. All they chant is “tax reduction, tax reduction, tax reduction.”
Yes, the government is wasteful, but no, the government won’t be more efficient if they have less money to spend. It’s just going to cut or charge for services and make someone suffer. How would people like to be hit by a 50k hospital bill after a minor operation at a public hospital?