Even though jet airline services existed for almost 50 years (?) now, I still find it quite amazing that after sitting in a “room” for 12 hours would bring me to a totally different place… I still remember when I went back to HK in 1994, I really had the feeling of 恍如隔世 … Last year when I went back, that feeling is not as great, it still shocked me somewhat… Perhaps I need to go back more often.I always wonder that if Internet was popular back when I was arriving in Vancouver, would I be still in contact with some of my elementary school friends in HK? Just talking to Mike now, and it’s quite a strange feeling that he’s 10000 miles away now, but on ICQ he still appears the same…
I guess it’s kind of strange for a stereotypical techie guy like me to have these kind of thoughts (I’m supposed to be so into technology, the real world doesn’t really matter to me). But I guess I’m not really a techie then. :p
It’s just the 感性 part of you my friend.
The world will be really dull and boring if no had a part of that character in them.