Attended the Industry Night by the ECE club. It’s events like this that made me wonder about if I will ever succeed in business. I’m not the type of person who hold my hand out to shake hands with anyone who come into my path. I’m not talkative, and my English is bad (I am having a particularly bad English day I think, people had trouble making out what I said).
A lot of girls from EE were there though, there’s even some HK girls there, which was kind of surprising.
The conversation at the table really sounded like job interview. -_-” And two of the people ended up leaving without saying goodbye, which I thought was not very nice.
And yea, the last speaker’s presentation is like a summary of EECE 476.
Overall, the night is still quite alright. But I did make the mistake of driving to downtown instead of taking the skytrain. I was stuck on Burrard street for 20 minutes. Not to mention parking costed $10…
are those actually useful for networking?
It depends on what type of person you are. For me, it’s not really useful, but some people were there exchanging business cards and etc.