One of the strangest and saddest things about Chinese people (I’m Chinese so I can say so without being politically incorrect) is when they choose to play the political game.
Exhibit 1: (Wife to husband) So, are you taking on my side or your [insert husband’s immediate family member name]’s side?
Trust me, I will probably go crazy if my future wife says something like that (or even make the implication) to me. I mean, if she really loves me, then she should be understanding of my situation, just like I should be protecting her from any unreasonable demands from my family. Forcing the husband to take a side is just the dumbest thing that I can think of. Yes, it may work from time to time, but eventually this will get tiring. When men get tired, they can become totally insensitive, and it’s not going to be a pretty sight.
Anyhow, I am not sure when I’m going to marry someone anyway (if ever), so this doesn’t even make it on my “worries” list.
Exhibit 2: (Some ex-Chief Executive) I dislike politics. Things are getting way too political. There should be less politics.
Hello? When you are the head of a government that is responsible for the lives of 7 million people, just how do you avoid politics? What’s so bad about politics anyway? Politics is not bad, nor dirty. What’s bad is people who say they are not political but yet they run for and hold public office. So what do you really do while you’re at work? Have high tea with the “journalists?”
Not a very coherent blog today, but opinions are sometimes like that, I guess.