What If Microsoft Packaged the iPod

First, the video link:http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=36099539665548298&q=microsoft+ipod

According to the Inqurier:

Microsoft made iPod Parody Video

Volish humour

By: Nick Farrell Wednesday 15 March 2006, 08:26

IT SEEMS that the denizens in the lair of the Vole in Redmond have a bit of a sense of humour.Last month a video turned up on the web which showed what would happen if Microsoft had been responsible for the packaging of Apple’s eyePod. During the process of the video, the package covers Apple’s minimalist presentation with so many words that you cannot see the product.

According to iPod Observer, a Microsoft spokesman has confirmed that the video was Volish humour and its packaging team made it.

It was supposed to be an internal video to highlight the challenges the outfit has and to educate marketers here about the pitfalls of packaging/branding.

The video can be seen here, and Microsoft does not seem to mind if you have a laugh at its expense. More here. µ

Article URL: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=30310

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