Okay, boys and girls, let’s all put our name in this job predictor and post your results:
My result is:
David Mak, Your ideal job is a Professional Shopper.
Just what the heck is a Professional Shopper?
Okay, boys and girls, let’s all put our name in this job predictor and post your results:
My result is:
David Mak, Your ideal job is a Professional Shopper.
Just what the heck is a Professional Shopper?
i’m an alcholic tester…. !?!
Joyce Chiang, Your ideal job is a Cowboy. errrr………. excuse me?
Johnson Lee, Your ideal job is a Rabbit Slayer. WUT!!! Am I THAT sadistic?
Edmond Kan, Your ideal job is a God for everyone.
Pamela Lee, Your ideal job is a Emperor of all the world. Muahahahahahah~~~~~ This site is great!
goodtry, Your ideal job is a Rear End of Panto Cow. OH…*phew*…JUST GREAT…~
where can i get a copy other than the taiwan bookstore!?
I don’t know if the local 金石堂 (they are near the T&Ts in Metro and Richmond) is carrying it (last time they didn’t). Or you can get it from me. :p Add me to your MSN la. 🙂